BlueprintNYC's digital department elevates our production and training by using technology to enhance learning, capture analytics, and ensure results.  Attendees experience an event that is coordinated and seamless. By integrating technology into the event space in surprising and fun ways we delight as well as deliver. 

Streaming Broadcast      Digital Arcade     

Streaming Broadcast


How can you consistently engage over 2,700+ people at the same time in over 40 locations? Use our app to stream live video to attendees all across the country, including Puerto Rico and Hawaii. 

To learn more about this process and our technological solution, contact us

Digital Arcade


How do you create a self-directed content “catch-all” in an expo environment that actually gets peoples’ attention and keeps it? Let the people play! Our custom digital Arcade presented interactive games that brought brand content to life! 

Contact us for descriptions (and demos) of our training game capabilities.